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While You Wait, Why Not Calculate Your

Retirement With Just

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 (Complete Form Below)

Have you ever asked yourself; what income do you believe you will need in retirement? And what sort of lifestyle do you hope to have?

Using this calculator you can quickly identify how much money you will need to comfortably enjoy your retirement.

Simply move each indicator to reflect your situation and let the calculator work out the rest. Begin with how many years to retirement I.E If you are 40 years of age and wish to retire at 65 then you move the slide to 25 years.

WARNING: Very quickly you will unfold your financial position and compare that to your retirement expectation.*

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Estimated Years to Retirement
20 years
Estimated Years in Retirement
25 years
Desired Annual Income in Retirement
(just think about it in today’s dollars)
Retirement Fund Needed
Your Present Situation
Savings (excluding home equity)
Equity Investment in Properties
Today’s Total Assets

*The above calculation illustrates as a guide only and by no means is this tool alone to be construed as financial advice. The above calculator is to determine your current financial position in the context of your retirement expectations by using today’s dollars. It does not take into consideration any further contributions that could be made to your fund or asset base, only the currency of your position today by the inputs entered. The calculator uses assumptions about unpredictable events that cannot be guaranteed. Inside Wealth recommends every individual must seek independent financial advice. Talk One on One with one of our Investment Strategists to find out more.